
1% Commission Donation Program

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As part of the 1% Commission Donation Program, approximately 35% of the company’s executive distributors in Southeast Asia markets agreed to donate 1% of their monthly commissions to the Nu Skin SEA CHF.

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99% of funds raised through the
1% Commission Donation Program will go toward life-saving surgeries to help those with congenital heart diseases.

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Since then, over 7,000 Nu Skin distributors in Southeast Asia have pledged to donate 1% of their commissions, making it their humble responsibility to extend help to our little heroes.

When you join the 1% Commission Donation Program, you will join a special group of people reaching out each month to provide funds for life-saving surgeries. Become our monthly donor and help us transform the lives of more children.

A Life A Day Program

The “A Life A Day” initiative under the Nu Skin SEA Children’s Heart Fund will sponsor the operation of one child or more who are suffering from congenital heart diseases. Join us to learn how you can help make a difference for these children.

Make your one-time donation today with the A Life A Day Program. Your support will help children in need gain access to life-saving medical assistance that they otherwise cannot afford.

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