
When we think of children, we normally picture cheerful, lively youngsters running around aimlessly. Children with congenital heart disease, however, are frequently ill, and even with a little exercise could easily tire them out. Many of them, too, are living day by day in the face of uncertain futures. Thus, as we take every opportunity to help these children, we consider every grin to be just as precious. Here are some of the brave tales of our little heroes.

Le Nguyen Thanh Thuy

3 years old

Faced with several obstacles alongside a congenital heart disease diagnosis, read about how little Thuy and her parents overcome their hardships.

Vuong Pham Hai Anh

17 years old

Be inspired by young Ahn’s journey from undergoing three (3) heart surgeries to her dreams for a healthier life for her and her family.

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